Sunday, February 13, 2011

Nuclear Blast - apocalyptic

I came to consciousness in a park. There were nice big trees and grass everywhere. I was with one other person, female I believe, and the sky was slightly grey with a chilled cold misting kind of rain. When out of no where, this gigantic ball of energy blast a few miles away from us. I was looking right in the direction of the blast when it happened and my first instinct was to get out of direct path of the energy wave that i knew was comming. So i scream to the person with me, "AS QUICK AS YOU CAN GET TO THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE LARGEST TREE THAT YOU CAN FIND TO SHIELD YOURSELF FROM THE BLAST". So we both did. The Rain was completely horizontal and now hotter then hell while passing around us as the tree did its job and shielded us from the blast.

For some reason after i have dreams like this, usually the rest of the nights dreams have to deal with finding survivors and creating a new civilization that is corruption free. Also what i have been noticing from these sort of aftermath related dreams is, they seem to last for weeks, perhaps months. Not in real life time, but in dream time. I will notice weeks go by. In one instance. Everything is leveled by the Gods, then in the next instance, there is half ass slums created with people in them.


  1. That's just a frikkin nice dream you have there boy. Do you mind if i steal it?( Heh, "mind", i lold...alright it's not that funny, imma go kill myself)

  2. A just a loving good would truely level the entire planet into a nuclear wasteland. Why? To test his followers. Those who still trust His judgement after such an event would surely be ludicrous.

  3. I wish I could lucid dream, I'm trying, maybe trying a little too hard.

  4. Wtf, I never had a dream like this. You are really good at imagination man. If you're lucid at that time, you should have not use the tree, you should go out there and feel the blast wave :D

  5. @reggin thats a bad ass idea, next time i see something like this in my dreams happen im going to definitely just embrace the blast head on like a sayian haha =]

  6. man i'm liking your dreams, much more exciting than mine. Incredible imagination, and great writing!

  7. Crazy, vivid dream. I was captivated.

  8. do you think it symbolizes a big problem you are facing that you dont know how to deal with? or is it just a kick ass crazy dream?

  9. symbolic dream is a tremendous concern of a young man on this earth. There are many forms of concern for us that can be symbolized into an expression. and you have to do it.

    I think this is something different and creative or imaginary.

    congratulations to always keep blogging.

    Greetings to you and all the commentators on this blog, I wait for you all to visit my blog.

  10. candlej im not very sure man. i wasnt facing any problems at the time that i knew of, but. on the other hand. perhaps i was and didnt know it.
