Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Crazy crazy dreams, and one lucid.

Well, one dream i had, i was in one of my childhood homes. This home was distinct because it had a big huge rock in the front yard. probably a meteor that no one ever questioned, or some burial tomb rock or somesthing, anyways, in the dream i heard a loud bang, and i ran into that direction, well when i got down there, the dog that i have now had been hit by a car. so i went in search for them and dont know what happened.

My lucid dream, i came too realization in some sort of waiting area, like perhaps a bank, or a place to get documents, anywho, I was lucid. There was this blond girl in front of me, that i believe i seen before, if not she felt like i should, so i looked at her in the eyes, and with my mind alone, sent her the request for a bj, and it happened. I felt like proffessor x. Then i woke up.


  1. hohah awesome lucid man
    whenever i have a lucid dream, i go out looking for girls for a good time. i havent been able to catch one yet though.

  2. mrecan, just expect them to come to you, and they will

  3. I should get into this!

    However i had a short dream. My leather shoe broke. Made me so angry in the dream.

  4. Lol awesome, you got a bj in a dream. It's hard to get lucid dreaming though. and each time i got lucid, i always want to find a girl to fuck lol.

    Awesome blog man.

  5. Nice. I wrote a few of my dreams on my blog, but I never really considered making a journal. I should do that. Following.

  6. The first dream reminds me of EarthBound for some reason.

    Nice lucid dream! You scored :D

  7. did it actually feel good, or was it just detached and dreamy? I ask because once in a while when I do something with a girl in a dream I'm always wanting more and nothing really happens.

  8. @someguy is was kinda half and half. but yea i understand exactly what you are saying.

  9. Heya .. this sounds wicked lol i am a girl but still lol good for you . I keep a dream journal and i am practising meditating to see if this helps me to learn and have a lucid dream , do you think it will??
