Sunday, December 12, 2010

12/12/10 - interesting

So i keep having this reoccurring dream-scape that im in some sort of hospital. The dream from last night was, i had gotten out of the hospital and everything was like i was really really relaxed, i remember asking the nurse what was up, and she said im fine that ive already taken all of my meds for that day that i didnt need anymore. even tho i was relaxed and it was hard to move, i had this understanding that i just got out of surgery a few days prior, that their was something wrong with my head. I also had another dream that i was driving down the road and the person with me was tripping about me not having gas, i was like no worries, its monday and ive got money, my unemployment came. Crazier even yet, before that dream, i had a dream that it was today and i already put in my info for unemployment, like i lived consecutive days in my dreaming mind. My goal is to become so good at dreaming, that i can cause extreme time dilation. I also managed to go lucid for a short period of time and opened a "portal" but as soon as i steped into the darkness i lost lucidity.


  1. damn, crazy dreams. You running out of gas?

  2. damn... what do you smoke before going to bed?

  3. woah... i'm sure soon you'll be spending more time lucid dreaming... i heard it has its pros and cons

  4. You have balls man! That's why I'm scared to get deep into Lucid dreaming because I'll feel I will lose myself lol.

  5. Every time I realize I'm dreaming I usually wake up.
