Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dream Recall Troubles

Ive touched down on this before. The troubles with dream recall. Well I have pinpointed the epicenter of problem. Im sad to say, marijuana is the culprit. I previously blogged about how I thought it messed with my dream recall and at this point i am convinced of it. Ever since ive started back smoking on a daily basis. The memory of my dreams fades exponentially faster. So i have came to the conclusion.. Marijuana  smokers feel like they have no dreams, because the short term memory were the dreams fire off, doesnt leave an imprint on the short term memory.

I do remember tho, that i did dream last night, i remember telling myself to remember them, i remember going lucid. BUT i cant remember the pivotal starting piece of information that would lead me to the other stored information haha. Like the "how did i get here" method of reality checking., Well. I dont know how i got here. Or even what here is.


  1. I read on the lucid dream forums that weed suppresses dream recalls, but I forgot what was the complete reason

  2. Now that I think about it I can't remember dreaming if I smoke before going to bed.

  3. Hehehe u could use a small notebook to write down whatever u remember as soon as you wake up

  4. Lately I can't remember my dreams either. And I've never even tried pot.
    To be honest, I don't think the two is connected.

  5. I sometimes wake up at 4 am during an awesome dream, I then try to go back to sleep to continue the dream. That never works, but I also forget what the dream was about when the alarm goes. That sucks.

  6. hmm... how did I get to this blog?
    am i dreaming RIGHT NOW!?

  7. Never knew that about marijuana.
